Monday, March 3, 2008

The Navy

Calif. coast panel files Navy sonar suit
By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer
LOS ANGELES - State coastal regulators and environmental groups separately sued the Navy on Thursday because of its decision to continue sonar training exercises off California without precautions opponents contend are necessary to protect marine life.
Earlier this year, the California Coastal Commission approved the exercises during a two-year period only if the Navy took safeguards to protect marine mammals and sea turtles. Among the restrictions were avoiding coastal waters with a large whale and dolphin population and lowering sonar levels during periods of low visibility, when it's harder for ship personnel to spot sea life.
The Navy sought the commission's approval for the training maneuvers, then said the commission lacked the authority to impose the restrictions.
The commission contends federal law gives it the power to limit the Navy's exercises to comply with a state law that protects coastal and marine resources.
The Navy periodically conducts sonar drills along the East Coast, the Gulf Coast, Hawaii and the Pacific Northwest to practice hunting submarines in nearshore waters.
Critics contend sonar has harmful effects on whales, possibly by damaging their hearing, and other marine mammals worldwide. A congressional report last year found the Navy's sonar exercises have been blamed for at least six cases of mass death and stranding among whales in the past decade.
The Navy has said factors including pollution and starvation can cause marine animals to be beached.
Commissioner Sara Wan said the Navy's unwillingness to comply with the restrictions left the state with no choice but to file the federal lawsuit.
"The Navy cannot simply arm-wave away the entire body of evidence ... that sonar can harm and kill marine mammals," Wan said.
The commission is seeking a preliminary injunction against future sonar drills until the Navy agrees to the commission's limitations.
"We're disappointed with the decision to pursue litigation on this," Vice Adm. Barry Costello, commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, said in Honolulu. "But we're doing our training that's essential to the Navy to support our armed forces and we'll go forward and work with all the appropriate players on these lawsuits."
In a separate lawsuit, a coalition of environmental groups led by the Santa Monica-based Natural Resources Defense Council faulted the Navy for failing to prepare an environmental impact statement on the planned drills. It's the fifth time the NRDC has sued the Navy over the sonar issue.

1200 Possible Chernobyls

As the future simply presents a probability, I am one who did not say that Iraq would initiate a global conflict. Intuitively, many are now suggesting a world war as never before and/ or since the time of America's Cuban Missile Crisis. This is a time to worry about this as China and Russia combined now possesses an immediate capability to win prior to [United States] deployment, reorganization, domestic economic planning, media controls, energy and materials supply allocation (non-usable re-manufacturing). As an indication of Americas lack of domestic readiness should an invasion occur, one should be reminded of Katrina and its aftermath still unresolved years later for many of the residents displaced by that storm. America is not the sleeping giant it once was, it is now more like Goliath following the time in which King David blinded his third eye thus we see the spiritual war of the terrorists versus the failing intellectual war of the west guided by the prince of swords; Vishnu as death, the destroyer of worlds. – Aaron Charles Donahue

Spiritual Projection

1. Simply think of the right hemisphere of your fore brain, inhale and imagine a black space within the left as you exhale. 2. Now you must do the same with respect to the left hemisphere WITHOUT projecting a blackened area. This will help you become conscious of recognition and control. 3. After mastering this begin to write in reverse the English Cursive Letter "L" with the OPPOSITE hand and project the blackened area through out the entire brain. Next you must switch hands and repeat all the above until one recognizes spontaneity beyond that of ritual holding consciousness apart from what can be realized of the spirit world.4. Study my projected image [profile pic] as you progress and notice "other" voices, words, and images.*
*Note that of Jaynes "Breakdown of the Bicameral Brain" and know that to wake too fast can release nightmares and other transient neurotic conditions. You are safe and will not breach a pre-psychotic state unless you cross within too far and too fast through the hyper-dimensional "gate". Those who do this successfully will find the universal meaning of death, sex, and creation in terms of a construct. Beyond this an absolute terror must be accepted or the observer will fail its test. There will be found not speculation nor divide but an unknowing of the infinite and worse: You will come to experience an uncommon light and will then be aware of the mind that exists outside of the construct of time.
Your brain is a construct of this mind that is least of all your own.
There are patterns that reveal strangely the aforementioned light. This for example might relate to the average number of stars in many observed galaxies as to correlate to the average number of neurons required of consciousness within a third trimester of brain development, etc.
There is no such thing as chance.
There is only probability thus the potential of relative awareness.
There is only probability thus the potential of relative awareness that can be used once it is carefully observed and practiced with respect for an optimal future for our world's children. -A.D.

The Dali Cube of Space

Thank you for the observation of the Tessaract work within Chaos Magick. I have seen the "other side" and have much to tell.
Christ and Salvador Dali!
This painting is to be studied closely. It is of his dying bride.
The esoteric knowledge that he worked with was eventually relieved within his system of Taro shortly before his death. I have one of his signed card decks from when he was living in the south.
Camembert Cheese! Ah Ha! What?
It is also known that Salvador loved only one sort of cheese. This was the beloved Camembert with that white surface cake of a eukaryotic life cycle stage producing a slight altered state?
Not so fast ye seekers of an easy way to know everything!
Scientific studies of the organism required of this lovely cheese does not confirm this in any way!
I believe that it was his art and life that calls into question the status quo as we see it today and not "mutant" cheese.
I see in his work as the enlightenment of his love for all.
This survives Dali and is symbolic of the immortal union (see Lovers Card).
When his wife died, Salvador Dali held her by his broken heart and drove his black vintage convertible in circles as per such a wake that most could not pain to look.
Together, they were beautiful in every way.
P.S. As for the tesseract, Dali thought that he might reach his wife in this way after she died, but I know this also requires the harmonic gate. There is also a technology that I can not discuss here.

The Prophetic Light

Sunday, March 02, 2008

One might be wise to notice when traveling overhead, that the abundant patterns of urban sprawl are identical to patterns of cancer growth as per some cell tissue samples looked upon with a microscope.

There is no coincidence in life.


What similarities do we see of the Israeli Palestinian Ghetto of today and Hitler's Jewish Ghetto of WWII?

"Be careful not to become the very monster that you intend to destroy"


An excerpt from Aaron's recent work:

"Peripherally, today's majority of democratic voters are slightly more sexist than they are racist thus one candidate replaces another in favor of the expected republican victory in a national election."

What Aaron is saying seems to indicate that Senator Clinton will NOT win the democratic nomination and that Senator Edwards was the only electable candidate capable of winning against Senator McCain in a national election. Aaron is also showing us that the majority of democratic voters today are at best grossly naive or in the case of avoiding the vote for Senator Edwards simply because he was WHITE and MALE, are hypocrites.

Has anyone noticed the abundance of smirks upon some of the horror chin-lit evil faces at Fox News Network lately?

Another excerpt:

"Some know the victory of evil that few are enlightened to see at this time. There is after all only one candidate standing for multinational corporations, war continuation, and a likely pardon of those most neglectful within a present day administration. "

Aaron’s predictions in the news today

Excerpt from February 22 2008, The Prophetic Light Posting:
A Highly Probable Future
There will be in his time three wars, seven important deaths, two major natural disasters, floods, record heat waves, power failure, a drought killing cattle, dust storms, pestilence, forest fires, eukaryotic cell mutations, crop failures, widespread bankruptcy, recession, viral infections, disease, major tornadoes, and fear leading to an unexpected success (blue rose data), and eight major catastrophic mechanical situations that seem to involve a public form of transportation. There is seen a park accident, noise and smoke from the ground, and earth quakes in both the expected and unexpected place.

From todays headlines:

An Earthquake in an unusual place

Power Outages in Florida

The Economy

Resistant Diseases

A story from one day after Aaron's posting:
Mechanical failure of a $1.2 billion dollar aircraft :

There are more predictions not yet released to the public. Needless to say, they are far worse than what you see posted here. Some of these predictions will make your blood run cold.
The future for us all is about to become an unimaginable nightmare of angst, injustice, misery, and horror. It is preposterous to think that we are alone in this and that we can do nothing apart from accepting the lie that has become our daily life of anticipation, decadence, and blind scientific achievement.
As Abraham first left Ur for fertile ground from which his sons would eventually migrate unto yet more fertile ground, we are left today with the sterility of space.
-Aaron C. Donahue

"The theatre is closing and there is no place left to go."
- William S. Burroughs

Prediction Confirmation/ Aaron C. Donahue

Comment by JC:
For those who recall an earlier message in which Aaron C. Donahue openly predicted that 'higher ranking military officials are likely to quit their posts as the threat of war to be waged against Iran by the West becomes imminent. Failing this, Israel would consider this military option next'. Aaron also said that 'a previous incident at sea should lead unto another and if so, all would be lost for the west and her allies in a world war that follows soon after'. Israel would not bomb Iran without support from the west but that 'generals and other high ranking officers would then resign' given any plans to do so and under specific conditions in which the soft coastal underbelly (see lack of readiness following hurricanes, etc.) would be exposed along with fatigue and low troop moral after failings in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also indicated that a failing western economy is possible and that it might be similar to that of the former Soviet Union in which an earlier withdrawal from Afghanistan stressed both moral and economic stability. Now Aaron is warning of a world war in which the west would be incinerated just as the Hopi describe a 'red cloak from the east' and gourds of ashes 'burning the land'. He also says, now that a collective choice has been made by the western peoples to elect division rather than love (see Edwards Probablility Resolved) into the white house, a republican leader named John McCain would be elected in 2008 as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces. China would be eventually engaged in a war that with much devastation, would be lost to Russia* after biological and nuclear weapons are effectively deployed inland, in the atmosphere, and from the sea.
Relevant quotes from Aaron C. Donahue:
"Early human extinction will be strongly considered by many prominent scientists following a catastrophic war between superpowers that could happen prior to 2012. Convenient ecological life support for all mammals would then cease as foreseen 30 to 51 years from that point."
"Lacking wisdom, technology condemns mankind..."

"Perhaps what is most disturbing about the democratic society of today could be that it allows for its majority to vote itself into oblivion and as required, without conscience."
"Iran is the heart of the world in which the covenant is never broken by a few men who remember. To destroy Iran is to erase our ancestral map into the future..."
"Terrorism requires participation."
"Replace the word conspiracy with $tupidity and you will at once answer many perplexing questions about our future."

Generals to quit if US strikes Iran Tue, 26 Feb 2008 00:49:33

..>Some senior US military commanders are prepared to resign if President Bush orders a military strike against Iran, a new report says. "There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran," The Sunday Times quoted Monday a source with close ties to British intelligence . "There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible," the source added. If proven true a revolt on such a scale would be unprecedented because 'American generals usually stay and fight until they get fired," said a Pentagon source. Robert Gates, the defense secretary, has repeatedly warned against striking Iran and is believed to represent the view of his senior commanders. Iran has announced that in face of any aggression it will respond like a 'tsunami'.

Meditations and Notes 2008 By Aaron C. Donahue

The Swastika

Those who are conditioned to condemn the ancient symbolism of the swastika represent a required average as per the preconscious process by which subjugation and abuse is possible.
I would prefer to liberate the ancient symbol from its meaningless abuse by those withstanding of its collective representation as a source.
The Worship of Peril
The legitimacy of any mystery school requires uninhibited examination of its outer order and careful inclusion of its source without an exchange.
The Luciferian Order of the Black Sun
Known components of the 'harmonic trigger' have been strangely initiated and there remains what is believed to be a final rite. With this in mind, the spring equinox of 2008 will prove to be a most interesting time in terms of what may follow. What is known of this rite is not for public disclosure as it does not involve human activity.
The Prophetic Light 003-AD
Note that of Al Mahdi and Isa as combined such as the Hopi describe the possible unity in terms of a blue and white brother on the red path. Nostradamus described the 'one in three' as Perse (blue), Alus (red), and Mabus (white). One might also find the blue complexion of Krishna as the light of mitosis in which the light of a final Buddha is comparable to that of Al Mahdi as Isa with respect to the breakdown of the bicameral brain and the accompanying individual realization. These messianic concepts are not out of reach of individual meaning and fulfillment provided that we do not blow each other up in the process of discovery. A successful examination of these and related spiritual issues clearly represents a possible reality far beyond but not without the accomplishments of science today. Mankind is now at the precipice by which realization or annihilation is certain.
Psychosexual exclusion is defined by consequence.
An example of exclusion would best be demonstrated in terms of heterosexuality. Unless one is hopelessly psychotic and/ or without proper differentiation, true heterosexuality is not possible without eventuating disorientation of individuals least distal unto the act of coitus and worse; such activity without consideration for inclusion can lead to psychosexual patterns of behavior least conducive to an effective release of oxytocin.
Psychosexual inefficiency is defined by exclusion.
A human being in truth of one's own light, purpose, and meaning does not exclude either sex.

Abstinence requires hypocrisy

Those who volunteer to engage within such measures of denial also deny what is a most simple truth of our nature as communicative and progressive beings.

Sex Instinct as God

Emerson's divinity from this perspective might also be compared to the instinct of sex as also the 'creative force' of a god within each. I tend to think, if anything of creation, as expressed by the instinct rather than what can only be expected of its anthropomorphic representation.


The Prophetic Light 2008

Here is what many are asking of my vision and analysis of our immediate future:
1. Who will be elected in this world as the next leader of America in 2008?
The answer to this is not an easy one to define although it can now be clearly understood from the perspective of a certainty rather than a mere probability.
Today's Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona will be elected as President of the United States of America in 2008. His office of administration will consist of a single term ending in 2012.
A Highly Probable Future
There will be in his time three wars, seven important deaths, two major natural disasters, floods, record heat waves, power failure, a drought killing cattle, dust storms, pestilence, forest fires, eukaryotic cell mutations, crop failures, widespread bankruptcy, recession, viral infections, disease, major tornadoes, and fear leading to an unexpected success (blue rose data), and eight major catastrophic mechanical situations that seem to involve a public form of transportation. There is seen a park accident, noise and smoke from the ground, and earth quakes in both the expected and unexpected place.
Blue Rose
At this moment I am stricken with an image of a blue rose and a tunnel for which one might imagine that a train or boat could be also involved utilizing the tunnel for access or travel. There is a feeling of dread, a slight smell of diesel, and fresh sealing tar and/ or creosote used to preserve railing ties and line polls. Sea gulls are periodically seen flying low 'in land' and there is a distinct feeling of an old city industry with paved over road rails, broken glass shining in the sun, and retrofitting of the old with something new.
There are people burning to death within visual range of the aforementioned tunnel.

Emerging Charlatans, Plagiarists, and Legitimacy

Monday, February 18, 2008
Emerging Charlatans, Plagiarists, and Legitimacy
By Aaron C. Donahue

Let it be clearly known that as an accomplished professional working in the field of psychic functioning, there can not be anyone other than myself best suited to represent my OWN work. There are no other remote viewers, psychics, mediums, kooks, or odd else qualified to speak for my work and one should also know of the many charlatans now plagiarizing my work (see example 3 below).

Traditionally, I do not charge money for my spiritual work nor do I have a business in any other name in order to do so. Provided that you should find such a web-site charging money for MY work in teaching, data, or in any manner not supported by this and other statements from myself alone. I do not work with other people nor do I share my knowledge as it can be harmful if used incorrectly both to the participant and practitioner alike. I have not once revealed the sacred unto my family, friends, or in any form of peripheral media beyond that of projections carried across the world in the form of spelling my name within metallic strips of film, cathode ray television, and other electronic sensors designed to receive this information.

Please do not assume that one must contact a supposed friend or wayward family member in order to contact me. I do not have a legitimate family nor do I allow friends to speak for my work in any way. I speak for myself and this is unlikely to change within the immediate future.
Provided that one should learn a little of my work and life, it would be best to seek a source rather than the usual dishonest and underhanded means of asking others who can only suppose without any degree of legitimate measure what it is that I am thinking, doing, or odd else. Not one has the key to my heart or does there exist a "telepathic connection". To assume this without proof for any reason is highly suspect.

Eve Veiled and Serpent

By Aaron C. Donahue


The image (E-077) that you see should be studied carefully. This as with many other examples of my work demonstrates that spiritual projection is possible. I believe that such a profound discovery should it be accepted in a timely manner, could lead into two areas of vital communications research and development. The first will involve spiritual communication with the past as per what we now falsely believe to be of the dead. The second area will involve time travel utilizing not the human body per se, but of its perceived totality and altered DNA until such a time of realization by which the technological process required to do so is clearly understood. That being said, we have much to understand prior to acceptance.

Right now as you are reading this, I am developing skills that require the alteration of specific technologies that are in part related to very recent discoveries in physics, human neurophysiology, harmonics, chemistry, informatics*, vacuum "peak radiant" applications, and nanophotonics, etc.

Which company will be the first to develop a Spiritual Camera?

I am at this time considering the Canon Corporation of Japan in terms of its developing technologies that with a proper understanding of my work, can be utilized to communicate as the mind does outside of time. Recall that when at first Thomas Edison considered the emerging technologies of photography, he intuitively reflected upon the possibility of spiritual images but was ultimately unsuccessful in his attempt to produce such a device in order to do so. Nicola Tesla upon the confines of Marconi's abrupt departure with his patented work concerning the use and development of the cathode ray tube also considered the idea of "a time in which thoughts would be transmitted" using such a device. Today we call this television. Tesla eventually died penniless and alone in a partially funded apartment in New York City.

More will be explained of my unique work in the future utilizing digital movies and pictures as the example.
Eve as anima is as displayed in consideration of the garden's serpent. This clearly represents acceptance of the relationship that evil requires of good. Such a dream that is realized can lead to the perception and eventuality of perfection (order) beyond that of the experienced error.
Aaron C. Donahue

1-30-08 Prediction 1 Result/ Aaron: OPEC could ditch dollars for euros

Note the time of the prediction and the date and time of this story.

I think, if you do not already know it, Aaron is one of the more important prophets of our age. He is saying that you are going to be incinerated, not that you deserve it or that he wants it, but that you are not listening properly to those few who observe and report a future born of necessity. -J.C.
OPEC could ditch dollars for euros: chief
Fri Feb 8, 7:10 PM ET
.. end storyhdr -->
LONDON (AFP) - OPEC could switch the pricing of oil from dollars into euros within a decade, secretary general Abdullah al-Badri told a weekly magazine.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries could adopt the euro to combat the decline of the dollar, Badri told the Middle East Economic Digest (MEED), published in London.
"Maybe we can price the oil in the euro. It can be done, but it will take time," he said.
Badri told MEED the change could happen within a decade, the magazine said.
MEED recalled that OPEC is under pressure from its members, who have seen their earnings decline sharply since 2000 due to its use of the dollar. The US currency has fallen 44 percent in value against the euro in that time.
The publication of Badri's remarks coincided with the euro rising against the dollar on the foreign exchanges Friday. The euro peaked of 1.4547 dollars at around 1800 GMT, though it has since weakened.
"In oil exchanges in New York, Singapore or Dubai, you can see the currency is the euro or the yen," Badri said.
"But as long as we see the final sign in dollar, that means the pricing is in dollars.
"It took two world wars and more than 50 years for the dollar to become the dominant currency. Now we are seeing another strong currency coming into the (frame), which is the euro."
Some OPEC members, notably Iran and Venezuela, have been calling for the group to study the declining dollar's effect on their economies. Iran has already begun pricing most of its oil in euros.
MEED recalled that the pricing of oil in dollars is a sensitive topic. Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal warned OPEC late last year that the dollar could plunge if OPEC publicly discussed abandoning it.
On Tuesday, Badri told reporters in London that several oil exporters were selling in dollars but buying other commodities in euros, calling the latter a strong currency.
The comments served to underline the difficulties currently facing oil exporting countries.

Edwards Probability Resolved

January 30, 2008
Never as expected, the future is born once again of necessity providing its child of consequence. Such as it is, a consequence of this magnitude reveals certainty thus the prophetic and its darkness comes for us all.
The Prophetic Light as a Certainty
1. The United States will in 2008-2009 face economic consequences secondary to some oil-rich nations switching to other monetary exchanges rather than the western dollar. This will further stress economic relations with China, Europe, and Russia.
2. An incident at sea has occurred as predicted in 2007. A war between China and the United States of America will become inevitable following the election of an American Republican President who does not favor the Asian Cultures of today.
3. Other Time-lines now exist of early human extinction, pandemics, global war, and unprecedented weather related disasters crippling economies.
Due to a recent collective choice to abandon love for the continuation of meaningless warfare, annihilation is hereby revealed as a certainty.
Awaiting the Equinox of 2008, the Seven Sacred Seals will reveal an Eighth Seal.

New Hampshire Primary Results/ Sen. Edwards Campaign 2008

When Sen. Hillary Clinton was endorsed earlier by President Bush, it was no surprise to any who witnessed a Hew Hampshire win by the good Senator herself. A close second place was awarded to Sen. Obama and in third place Sen. Edwards.

When considering the outcome of this most important aspect of the bid for the White House, one should also suspect the timing of President Bush's planned visit to the middle east which is more than suggestive of war, fear of conflict, and was without any doubt a highly skilled political move designed to motivate a result of the aforementioned primary toward a candidate that has traditionally stood on the side of Israel, sanctions, war, and a continued military presence in Iraq.
Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this win concerns the ONLY electable candidate whose name and presence continues to be left out of mainstream media time and time again and now, he is being unfairly pushed out of an unfair race for our nation's troubled future. This candidate is none other than the Senator John Edwards who is WHITE and MALE…
This as you might agree would be considered a suspect statement concerning race and gender. It is a reality that in this fledgling country of hatred, racial tension, and a sexist divide that unlike any time in our history, we see a viable candidate that is not evil in this way who is also white and male.
Simply, what President Bush and his constituency intended to do with the endorsement of Hillary Clinton and Obama was simple:
1. Major news and information outlets such as Fox Network were "encouraged" to blatantly refrain from reporting too many stories about Senator Edwards and his campaign. Research will show that of all the candidates, the name of Senator Edwards is rarely mentioned throughout mainstream media apart from the loss of two key primary states which is designed to discourage future voters.
Out of site out of mind is the method of choice and it works!
2. Remember that one of the main platforms of Sen. Edwards concerns his vow to fight against the unethical interests of multinational corporations, and some mega-corporations who do not share wealth with those in need, etc. Some of the most offending corporations own most if not all of the major sources of media that are now being used to convince the majority of American voters that Clinton and Obama are electable in a desperately racist and sexist fledgling country.
The whole nation today is slightly more sexist than it is racist and from this perspective, the Republicans will easily win the White House in 2008 if Osama Obama should win the Democratic Nomination. This will guarantee an incompetent leader far worse than that of President Bush. We can expect more in terms of war, greed, human rights violations, depleted rights for minorities and women, and an escalation of problems associated with a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
3. No one wants to see a President Pastor Hickabee playing his Lynard Skynard RACIST Music on the White House Lawn after Israeli Sponsored Terror Bombings of Iran or worse; imagine a President M. Romster who openly endorses the Mormon faith whose Racist prophet is named Joseph Smith.

4. The future as probability requires examination and in the immediate case of a growing cold-like war between super-powers China, Russia, and the United States, the very worst consideration for leadership points to the moderately intelligent Senator John McCain from Arizona.
5. Perhaps for those of the majority who could not bring them selves to vote for a White and Male candidate as the ONLY viable candidate to over-ride the underhanded political savvy and maneuverability learned of nearly eight years of failure by the conservative party, it would be fair to consider any such majority liberal as no better.
The average bleeding heart vampire feeding liberal has once again become the very monster that was intended to be destroyed! My advice to the liberal is this; quickly flush your hypocrisy before your liberal friends notice too much and read something other than Mein Kampf. Hatred is not something that you learn as much as it is something experienced.
In terms of a highly probable future, the Repugnican Senator McCain is likely to be given the Presidency of the ..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />United States of America by default. Now that the pre-daleks have had nearly eight years of learning from their mistakes, they are simply utilizing the inherent hypocrisy of today's majority of ego parade floating self righteous liberal democrats in order to win by default.
Elect Hillary Clinton or Obama Bin Osama for the Democratic Nomination and you will give the White House to the Republicans in this highly racist and sexist nation. Elect John Edwards and you will see justice. He is by the color of his skin the only electable candidate in this racist and sexist nation. The Republicans know this and you should know their motivations that include manipulating the elections to the end that they win by default.
The United States is most likely to be in a nuclear world war with China by 2011 and as President McCain's term of office would be expected to end in 2012, what then would remain of the world's human life support ecological system will then be unquestionably compromised.
Perhaps what is most disturbing about the democratic society of today could be that it allows for its majority to vote itself into oblivion and as required, without conscience. When you make any decision in these last days of convenient life on our dying planet, you must consider what your life means as opposed to betraying your children by conformity.
Know that our great failing nation is not the only sacred thing at stake. Make no mistake about it; a collective form of programmed mass suicide (nuclear war) awaits us all provided that we continue to take our future for granted.
-Aaron C. Donahue